William gates III rank 1
Age 52 57 billion
he is the Microsoft chairman.
He has 3 children
Dropped out of Harvard
a new Lambourghini Diablo would cost like 12 cents to him
He makes 295672.0352/hour
1 mil of $100 bills = 40 inches
Bill has 61000 million
61000mil/40in= 38.5 mi
Steve ballmer rank 15
Age: 52 15 billion
Paul Allen rank 12
Age 55 15 billion
Steve jobs rank 61
Age 53 5.7 billion
Steve Wozniak rank unknown
Woz.org: #12
The questions are about stealing the DOS and the near death experiences
His answers include times when he almost died and how that made him look at life in a new way. He also talked about Xerox and how it was fair that since they had apple stock they gave apple some products. It was a fair trade. He also says that Microsoft was not justified in the transaction. He even said Microsoft bent the words (law)