AI Blog


        AIs are the programs that make training in games fun. They would fight or do actions by themselves so one can have the best experience in a game. Ais are also one of the most amazing things that the human brain has come up with. AI will have cars that drive themselves, Robots that can pass off as people, and maybe programmable pets. It may take us a while to get as far as that, but we are getting very close. You can talk to robots on the internet using various chat programs. None have been able to pass the Turing Test (act as normal humans) and they can be very frustrating to talk to, but they are getting to the point where they can speak like a human. There are cars that can drive themselves nowadays but we haven’t released them for various reasons, like baby road kill.

        I believe AI will be one of the best things that happened to mankind, and also the worst. One of the greatest things about AI is that it can help keep us healthy for longer. One of the first things people plan to do with AI is to use it to make nanobots that can go into your bloodstream and can cure various illnesses like cancer and AIDS. Other good things could be that AI could help us fight wars, protect us, work for us (cheap labor), enhance transportation, help us explore the depths of space. On the other hand though, there are many things wrong with AI; the main one that everyone talks about is if the robots were suddenly able to go against the 3 rules then they might decide to kill all humans, also that if they’re so cheap labor wise then they might take all the lower jobs and many people will be homeless and poor. The populace would also become more “stupid” since they do not need to think as much anymore.